8 Steps to Creating an Effective Lead Management Process in 2023

An effective lead management process is the lifeline of a thriving business. Why do we say that? Because if you try to make sales with unqualified or unnurtured leads without tracking their buying behavior, you’ll lose potential customers and revenue. Do you know that 67% of customers turn to your competitors if they encounter a poor customer experience with your brand? Now that might sound scary, but it’s true. We don’t want that to happen. So, the solution is to remember that generating lead

The ultimate guide to database marketing (with 3 examples)

Database marketing is what helps Amazon recommend home decor items via email when you recently purchased an eye-catching side table, or Netflix recommend top thrillers via push notifications when you binge-watched six episodes of Stranger things. So what exactly is database marketing, and what are its types? How do you collect the required data? And what benefits can you expect from database marketing? We talk about all this and more, along with examples of successful global brands implementing it right.

Omnichannel marketing: The complete strategy to reaching your customer across channels

All leading brands eventually arrive at the conclusion that success means enhanced customer experience and not aggressive sales. Omnichannel marketing with personalized experiences enables exactly this. We are way past the time when you could bombard users with ads and promotional content on multiple channels and expect them to convert. Brands need to consistently nurture users and deliver value. Each interaction needs to be personalized and acknowledge the user’s journey across all touchpoints.

The Complete Guide To Making Your E-learning Apps Successful

The onset of the fatal coronavirus in the previous year further revitalised this wave of e-learning. Whether it is virtual tutoring, language apps, online learning software or video conferencing tools, there has been a significant surge in usage of digital learning technologies since COVID-19. To that extent, to keep stride of this raging demand, many online learning platforms have started offering audiences free access to their services.

Drive Sales with Proactive Customer Service_ The Complete Guide (1) (1)

The other day I ordered something from Amazon. As soon as I placed the order, I got an email - Your order has been confirmed with the delivery date of the order. The email mentioned that the delivery will take a little longer than usual due to COVID. 2 days later, I received an email - Your order has been dispatched and is on the way. The email also mentioned what I need to do if I want to return the order. You see, I didn’t ask Amazon where my order is, when I’ll receive it, or how to return it. They gave me the details I needed before I asked for it. And I love Amazon for that. I appreciate them for delivering proactive customer service. Amazon earned another engaged, loyal customer right there.

Employee orientation

But first, I want you to imagine it’s your first day at a new job - and if you are like most of us - you’re jittery and nervous. It’s 10 in the morning; you have high expectations from this organization and intend to put your best self forward. But all through the day, you felt left out, were bombarded with information, and dumped under piles of documentation. By the end of the day, you feel confused and exhausted from your first day of training sessions, do not feel welcome in the organization, and doubt this is what you want. That’s exactly what an employee feels if you do not set-up a well-structured new employee orientation process

What Is DevOps All About And How Can It Benefit Startups?

Yes, this product caters to my needs and solves my problems exactly the way I wanted. Imagine hearing that from your customers or clients each time your startup launches a product or rolls out the latest version of an existing product. The reality, however, turns out to be quite disappointing at times - You identified a need in the market, built a great product around it, tried it in the Proof of Concept phase on 100 people, and it worked perfectly well. So now that you’re fairly satisfied with the product, you invest big money in marketing campaigns to attract your ideal audience. But as soon as your target market starts using your product in large numbers, you start facing cloud computing concerns, latency issues, or at worst your solution crashes, and you witness the ugliest downtime ever.

How to write FAQ questions

When Marie wants to find the perfect backpack for her next adventure trip, she wants to know if she is ordering the right size, the shipping options, and the return policy. She is shuffling through 7 different brand websites and will finalize the one that precisely answers her queries. Because that’s the brand she’ll be able to trust as that’s the brand that took the pain of answering all the questions that Marie might have. She’s more likely to become a loyal customer of this brand. So am I and so are you. Because the brand has earned customer’s trust and loyalty by going that needed extra mile.